01 Spanish Argentina offers to the Tango enthusiasts the possibility of having group tango classes with renowned professional Tango instructors to learn the secrets of the Tango dance if they are beginner or improve their tango skills – the dance, singing and music if they have already some tango experience.

Sign up and have fun dancing real Argentine tango with us. You will learn the smooth, gorgeous and elegant movements of the Argentine Tango. Easy to follow our tango lessons are for those who want to feel the emotion, the musicality and the romanticism that makes the tango a unique experience. 

Cost of our Tango Lessons in Buenos Aires:
Add 5 tango classes a week (90 minutes each tango class) to your Spanish program. Several outings to real "milongas"  are organized.

Just choose your Spanish Program in Buenos Aires
(A, B, C or D) and add extra U$D 105 per week.

This is a very good price that will allow you to take classes with some of the best tango instructors in Buenos Aires.

Tango Information:
The tango is the most representative cultural phenomenon of the region of "Rio de la Plata", The tango has musical style, a dance and poetics. The tango has mainly an urban character, since the tango had its major production in three South American cities; these cities were Buenos Aires principally, Montevideo and Rosario; but in its beginnings the tango also tape-worm certain rural character. 

Tango Lessons in Buenos Aires

This set of dance, music and poetry, nowadays enjoys world recognition, but it was not always like that, since the tango had to cross for a long period and change different forms to manage to be accepted in a global way.

Also the tango is strongly tied to some elements that go beyond the artistic thing, such as they are the cases of the language lunfardo (slang), the places as cabarets, prostibulos and "bachelor flats" and prominent figures like the gallants and the compadritos.

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