01 Spanish Argentina works in association with one of the first schools of Spanish language for foreign students in Argentina and it has a permanent staff of Spanish instructors with a very good level of specialization and a maximum degree of coordination teaching Spanish language. Also, the teaching staff is constantly supervised by a pedagogical coordinator. This allows the educational Spanish system of 01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School to offer an excellent internal structure that accompanies the learning process of our students in all levels.

Spanish School in Aregentina - Learn Spanish in Latin America

Through its years of experience 01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School has developed a method for learning Spanish language that successfully teaches students both grammar and oral communication skills appropriate for his or her level.  

We have a system of initial evaluation and constant supervision of each student that assures that the course is adjusted to the needs of each of our Spanish students in our Spanish school. Besides, our small groups in the class rooms allow maximum attention to the difficulties as well as the progress of each one of our Spanish Students.

01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School
 uses its own material which was designed so that the Spanish student can develop progressive learning of Spanish grammar and its uses in real speeches. Our Spanish students from the 1st classes will learn the correct Spanish grammar necessary to introduce himself or herself , to give and request information, to make bookings, travel reservations in Argentina, to buy in the supermarket, etc.

01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School has established different levels to learn Spanish taking into account a student's initial level, the grammar study appropriate at that level, and the hours necessary to complete that Spanish level. Also history of teaching Spanish in Argentina allows a structure of this kind, assuring our Spanish students a successful and solid learning of the Spanish language.

 During our Spanish lessons, the Spanish grammar is introduced and put into practice through Spanish listening comprehension and role playing as well as written exercises. Thus, starting with the correct use of the Spanish language, our students will be able to actively participate in conversation outside the Spanish school. We consider the understanding of the Spanish grammar to be an essential tool, that enables the Spanish student to express himself or herself correctly, according to his or her Spanish level.

01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School from the first levels of its Spanish courses uses informative material so our Spanish students gain a progressive understanding of the cultural context. Beginning with Intermediate level I journalistic or historical texts, as well as those concerning the way of life in Argentina as a daily activity. This way Spanish vocabulary is extended, linguistic interchanges between the Spanish students are generated and cultural and historical contents are deepened. In our Spanish school the cultural activities suggested by our Spanish instructors are offered with the purpose of assisting our students to acquire an integral understanding of the Argentine social cultural development.

Learn Spanish in Bariloche - Argentina

In levels intermediate III and advanced I and II, our students participate in more formal communicative real situations. At those levels, as it is done when studying history and literature, they have interviews, take notes during Spanish lectures, expose a subject to their classmates in the classroom, work with video and audio material of different degrees of complexity and of thematic diversity. The study material used for advanced levels is selected from what is of current use for a native Argentine with a university degree or superior education. 

All the Spanish instructors of 01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School have a Masters Degree  in Education or Literature from The University of Buenos Aires.

Spanish School in Aregentina - Learn Spanish in Latin America

Many of our Spanish instructors also have a postgraduate degree and are current teachers for locals at the best local universities.  All our Spanish instructors are fully experienced in teaching Spanish for Foreigners students.  Our Spanish teachers are our pride. We hire only the best Spanish instructors to meet the needs of our high caliber student customer. 01 Spanish Argentina Spanish School offer as well a Pedagogical Department, in charge of supervising our Spanish instructors, directed by one of the most important educators of Argentina. All our Spanish
students receive a participation certifícate.

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